A few days ago I got up earlier than normal and caught a progressive talk radio show on a Portland, OR FM station called KBOO. The speaker sounded like NPR's Middle East reporter Linda Gradstein but the words that were coming out of her mouth quickly caused me to think otherwise. The speaker turned out to be Antonia Juhasz talking about her 2006 book which is reviewed in today's posting:
The Bush Agenda is the first book to expose the Bush Administration's radical economic agenda for global domination, a plan more extreme, unilateral and audacious than any of his predecessors, a plan that has created the greatest level of violent opposition to America and Americans in recent history.
The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time explores the Bush Administration's plan to invade the world through a corporate globalization agenda, first in Iraq, then the Middle East with the proposed U.S.-Middle East Free Trade Area, and ultimately as a cornerstone to the global Bush Doctrine of Pax Americana. What is Bush's "free trade?" It's an economic model that argues that by removing restrictions on multinational corporations, these companies will be freed to become engines of economic growth in countries around the world, but in fact bring vast wealth of a small number of global elites while entire populations suffer dislocation, poverty and violence, creating a perfect Petri dish for breeding terrorists. The instruments for this takeover include such corporations as Bechtel, Lockheed Martin, ChevronTexaco, Halliburton, and many others.
This book addresses the history of U.S. economic relations throughout the world over the past 25 years, the key role of U.S. corporations, and the larger Bush economic agenda and what the potential impact of this agenda will be on the United States and the world. It concludes with specific alternatives to guide the U.S. on a more peaceful and sustainable course in the future. Using Naomi Klein's No Logo and Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation as models, The Bush Agenda is based on hard analytic fact and presented so that it will not only be persuasive, but highly engaging and entertaining to a broad audience.
Synopsis: A leading expert on international trade and finance policy exposes the Bush Administration's radical economic agenda for global domination, which she says will create the greatest level of violent opposition to America and Americans in recent history.
About the Author: Antonia Juhasz is a leading expert on international trade and finance policy with a master’s degree in Public Policy from Georgetown University. She has served as a congressional aide and as the project director of the International Forum on Globalization. She is currently a visiting scholar with the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington DC. An award-winning writer, her work has appeared in dozens of publications, including the Los Angeles Timesand Miami Herald, and she has appeared on CBS News, CNN, Hannity &Colmes, Washington Journal, and NPR’s Talk of the Nation. She lives in San Francisco.
Find out more at: www.powells.com/biblio/1-9780060846879-3
The Bush Agenda is the first book to expose the Bush Administration's radical economic agenda for global domination, a plan more extreme, unilateral and audacious than any of his predecessors, a plan that has created the greatest level of violent opposition to America and Americans in recent history.
The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time explores the Bush Administration's plan to invade the world through a corporate globalization agenda, first in Iraq, then the Middle East with the proposed U.S.-Middle East Free Trade Area, and ultimately as a cornerstone to the global Bush Doctrine of Pax Americana. What is Bush's "free trade?" It's an economic model that argues that by removing restrictions on multinational corporations, these companies will be freed to become engines of economic growth in countries around the world, but in fact bring vast wealth of a small number of global elites while entire populations suffer dislocation, poverty and violence, creating a perfect Petri dish for breeding terrorists. The instruments for this takeover include such corporations as Bechtel, Lockheed Martin, ChevronTexaco, Halliburton, and many others.
This book addresses the history of U.S. economic relations throughout the world over the past 25 years, the key role of U.S. corporations, and the larger Bush economic agenda and what the potential impact of this agenda will be on the United States and the world. It concludes with specific alternatives to guide the U.S. on a more peaceful and sustainable course in the future. Using Naomi Klein's No Logo and Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation as models, The Bush Agenda is based on hard analytic fact and presented so that it will not only be persuasive, but highly engaging and entertaining to a broad audience.
Synopsis: A leading expert on international trade and finance policy exposes the Bush Administration's radical economic agenda for global domination, which she says will create the greatest level of violent opposition to America and Americans in recent history.
About the Author: Antonia Juhasz is a leading expert on international trade and finance policy with a master’s degree in Public Policy from Georgetown University. She has served as a congressional aide and as the project director of the International Forum on Globalization. She is currently a visiting scholar with the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington DC. An award-winning writer, her work has appeared in dozens of publications, including the Los Angeles Timesand Miami Herald, and she has appeared on CBS News, CNN, Hannity &Colmes, Washington Journal, and NPR’s Talk of the Nation. She lives in San Francisco.
Find out more at: www.powells.com/biblio/1-9780060846879-3
or the author's website at: http://www.thebushangenda.net/
Now, here's a poem that's black gold:
Play Me
At some point between midnight and albuquerque the instrument
wakes up with an ice-cream headache on a train heading west.
the boys in the band are all asleep but the cigarette across the
aisle with long antelope legs seems willing.she bats her lids like
signals.gradually as if on cue her stare reaches his valves.she
leans over to stroke them twice.he allows her to run a trembling
wet tongue all over the reed.then he pulls her to him where she
sticks like masking tape.by then passion flares and without so
much as a word of article they read each others palms until the
seat is stained in e major and the windows go blank.but no black
madonna appears and their tune ends up a mere whiny bugaboo.
so in frustration the saxophone picks up his case and simply
wanders out of the spotlight while the desert unfurls.but by then a
stagehand has already begun to carry off the last upright mirror to
a crammed storage room reserved for props.
Poem first published at: http://www.onefortytwo.com/
Visit my ezine: http://www.concelebratory.blogspot.com/
and music blog: http://www.medleymakersant.blogspot.com/
Copyright 2008 by Maurice Oliver. All Rights Reserved.
Now, here's a poem that's black gold:
Play Me
At some point between midnight and albuquerque the instrument
wakes up with an ice-cream headache on a train heading west.
the boys in the band are all asleep but the cigarette across the
aisle with long antelope legs seems willing.she bats her lids like
signals.gradually as if on cue her stare reaches his valves.she
leans over to stroke them twice.he allows her to run a trembling
wet tongue all over the reed.then he pulls her to him where she
sticks like masking tape.by then passion flares and without so
much as a word of article they read each others palms until the
seat is stained in e major and the windows go blank.but no black
madonna appears and their tune ends up a mere whiny bugaboo.
so in frustration the saxophone picks up his case and simply
wanders out of the spotlight while the desert unfurls.but by then a
stagehand has already begun to carry off the last upright mirror to
a crammed storage room reserved for props.
Poem first published at: http://www.onefortytwo.com/
Visit my ezine: http://www.concelebratory.blogspot.com/
and music blog: http://www.medleymakersant.blogspot.com/
Copyright 2008 by Maurice Oliver. All Rights Reserved.
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