According to an ABC News exclusive on March 13th, the Pentagon was set to release a report White House doesn't' want you to read: on March 12th the Pentagon canceled plans to send out a press release announcing the report's availability and didn't make the report available via email or online.
Based on the analysis of some 600,000 official Iraqi documents seized by US forces after the invasion and thousands of hours of interrogations of former officials in Saddam's government now in US custody, the government report is the first official acknowledgment from the US military that there is no evidence Saddam had ties to al Qaeda.
The Bush administration apparently didn't want the study to get any attention. The report was to be posted on the Joint Forces Command website yesterday, followed by a background briefing with the authors. No more. The report was made available to those who asked for it, and was sent via overnight mail from Joint Forces Command in Norfolk, Virginia.
Asked on march 12th why the report would not be posted online and could not be emailed, the spokesman for Joint Forces Command said: "We're making the report available to anyone who wishes to have it, and we'll send it out via CD in the mail."
Another Pentagon official said initial press reports on the study made it "too politically sensitive." So, I guess just as Sen. Obama said in a campaign speech, it looks like there was no Al Qaeda in Iraq until Bush decided to send America troops there nearly half a decade ago. And by the way, if you're counting like I am, nearly 4000 of our combat forces have been killed there with the Iraqi politicians no closer to working together as they were when they were "elected'. It all makes for an interesting read on this, the fifth anniversary of America's of declaring war on the people of Iraq. If you can stand to see pictures of the human carnage that has occured during the course of our military occupation of this nation go to: http://mindprod.com/politics/iraqwarpix.html
Research info gathered at: www.abcnews.go.com
Now, here's one of my battle wary poems:
Mauled By Ape Leaves
We have our cake and eat it too!
Then later, we watch a movie where poverty is
Based on the analysis of some 600,000 official Iraqi documents seized by US forces after the invasion and thousands of hours of interrogations of former officials in Saddam's government now in US custody, the government report is the first official acknowledgment from the US military that there is no evidence Saddam had ties to al Qaeda.
The Bush administration apparently didn't want the study to get any attention. The report was to be posted on the Joint Forces Command website yesterday, followed by a background briefing with the authors. No more. The report was made available to those who asked for it, and was sent via overnight mail from Joint Forces Command in Norfolk, Virginia.
Asked on march 12th why the report would not be posted online and could not be emailed, the spokesman for Joint Forces Command said: "We're making the report available to anyone who wishes to have it, and we'll send it out via CD in the mail."
Another Pentagon official said initial press reports on the study made it "too politically sensitive." So, I guess just as Sen. Obama said in a campaign speech, it looks like there was no Al Qaeda in Iraq until Bush decided to send America troops there nearly half a decade ago. And by the way, if you're counting like I am, nearly 4000 of our combat forces have been killed there with the Iraqi politicians no closer to working together as they were when they were "elected'. It all makes for an interesting read on this, the fifth anniversary of America's of declaring war on the people of Iraq. If you can stand to see pictures of the human carnage that has occured during the course of our military occupation of this nation go to: http://mindprod.com/politics/iraqwarpix.html
Research info gathered at: www.abcnews.go.com
Now, here's one of my battle wary poems:
Mauled By Ape Leaves
We have our cake and eat it too!
Then later, we watch a movie where poverty is
victimized by capital punishment in a car park.
There's a re-trial but it becomes paralyzed while
crooning a Perry Como of life's hard knocks. Poetry
crooning a Perry Como of life's hard knocks. Poetry
is tenderly portrayed as having startling bravado
and everyone with a camera is either a tourist or a
voyeur. The whole town becomes partly cloudy with
voyeur. The whole town becomes partly cloudy with
intermittent light showers. Miles Davis is no cornet
player and there's a county-wide ordinance banning
the use of pink plastic flamingos as lawn decoration.
the use of pink plastic flamingos as lawn decoration.
After the weekly pray meeting, stage fright seduces
the fiery sermon of a secular fundamentalist disguised
as round three. San Francisco wakes up with the Bay
as round three. San Francisco wakes up with the Bay
Bridge in its bed and then belts out a dramatic
monologue about possible conspiracy theories. Thom
Gunn has a holster or a banana glad to see us. Life
Gunn has a holster or a banana glad to see us. Life
is content to be intimidated by a colossal cleavage or
the same woman in the gorilla suit. And all the while,
the rabbi insists he has a reputation to accidentally
the rabbi insists he has a reputation to accidentally
overdose. This movie really has the power to make
people mad. And I dare you to try and find the segue.
Poem first published at: http://www.whyvandalism.com/
Visit my ezine: http://www.concelebratory.blogspot.com/
and muisc blog: http://www.medleymakersant.blogspot.com/
Copyright 2008 by Maurice Oliver. All Rights Reserved.
Poem first published at: http://www.whyvandalism.com/
Visit my ezine: http://www.concelebratory.blogspot.com/
and muisc blog: http://www.medleymakersant.blogspot.com/
Copyright 2008 by Maurice Oliver. All Rights Reserved.
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