Today's posting continues a series on lessons I use to keep the idea for learning alive with the boys aged 6-9 that I find myself tutoring this school year. For those of you with kids, you know how hard it is to control the short attention spans kids have at that age, especially boys. So, I've come up with little lessons that keep them interested and anxious to learn. Here's one about the current title holder of the world's fattest man:
Manuel Uribe, who is 42 years old, was born in Monterrey, Mexico. He holds the record of being the heaviest man alive on earth. He weights 560 kg (over 1200 pounds.)
To get a feel of exactly how heavy he is, you need imagine an adult male, and another, and another, and another (this can go on for a little while more)… He is almost as heavy as seven adult men.
At his fattest, he weighed 560kg, or 1234lb. That's half a ton. Small Japanese cars are lighter weight. Doctors are not sure whether is weight problem is genetic or just from eating too much.
They think that there might be a fault in his genes which triggered the inflammation of his molecular structure, therefore causing him to gain weight uncontrollably. Mr. Uribe has no high blood pressure, no high cholesterol, diabetes, he's a healthy man who is just overweight.
A sample of the diet he is on right now includes a bowl of fish soup, complete with large chunks of fish, a grapefruit, half an apple and ending it off with 18 peanuts. Yes, 18 peanuts.
In the past year, Manuel has shed 180kg/400lbs off his body, that’s almost equivalent to two full grown man climbing out of his body! Manuel says his aim is to get down to 120kg/264lbs. On February 13, 2008 the team of doctors helping him with his weight problem reported that Manuel had lost 570lbs, far more than they had at first expected he would. But he still is the world’s fattest man alive. Find out more about current title holders in the strangest categories at: http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/
Research info gathered at: http://www.wikipedia.com/
Now, here's one of my poems that is a big eater too:
Am I Going To Prison?
In this scenario every other public school is a
federal prison. The nation’s inner courtyard
has been transformed into a theme park with
cotton candy machines dressed in bunny suits.
I’m responsible for organizing the egg hunt.
You’re in charge of the soap oprea commercial
projected on a snowy screen. I wear a rented
trampoline and an Afro wig and you sport pink
pedal-pushers and a clip-on bow tie. We are
convinced no child should be left behind and
insist on staying the entire length of the visiting
hour staring at life in the aquarium but not
talking. Words are cheap. Sex is an identifiable
bacteria founded in the produce section of the
supermarket. Fact is, lights from the maximum
penitentiary burns so intensely the stars have all
given up and gone dark. We quickly learn not to
idealize, not to judge, not to demonize, not to
anathematize, naked eyed and borne out in the
statistics that only Russia approaches our rate
of incarceration, which makes you wonder who’s
left to look after the dog.
Poem first published at: http://www.leafscape.org/
Visit my ezine: http://www.concelebratory.blogspot.com/
and music blog: http://www.medleymakersant.blogspot.com/
Copyright 2008 by Maurice Oliver. All Rights Reserved.
i think it's cool that your the heaviest man a live not only you were able to go on t.v and get inside of a book and i admire you for that good luck and have a good life (not the offensive have a good life)
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