Monday, May 21, 2007

Now, cross-examine this poem:

"Pure Inflatables" Sonnet

A slide show projected on a white bed
sheet clouds like accordions Cars
hap-hazardly parked along a dusty road
A coast lash like Bearded coves More
dune grass but no roots Beach umbrellas
titled towards the sun Trash cans all
numbered Gulls stalking scraps on the
pier A high tide exceeding yes Electric
eel Red herring Things that can be lifted
by the tail Half a sand castle Bread in a
picnic basket Dogs determined to bark
Azalea faces or just plain lobster red Kite
sting too tangled to care Dusk fastening
itself to a pole Hands meant for waving
Mostly a paper moon Verbs pulling the
car home So the water tower turns to
kiss the lifeguard stand Sliding down
belly first below And in now sleep tight

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