I try to watch one DVD every night. There's normally not a night that I miss and I can do it for free, thanks to the great selection to be found at the main public library in Portland. The one I watched last night was exceptional. The 1999 movie was written and produced by the Polish Brothers, Mark and Michael. The identical twins were born in El Centro, CA in 1970 and are both writers, producers and actors.
They play Siamese twins who live in a neat little room in a rundown hotel. They have left the circus because Francis, the weaker of the two is about to die. Blake called a hooker who comes over and spends the night, sleeping in the chair (she is about to be kicked out of her apartment) and wakes to find Francis (the one with the fewer organs) sick. She calls one of her clients, a doctor, who comes over and examines the young men then writes a prescription which only delays the enividable.
Throughout the movie I kept holding my breath. Not like being underwater or anything like that but more like kissing the love of your life or holding your own child in your arms for the first time. Like that. I had to remind myself to breathe. I had to remind myself that the two young men were not actually joined together.
Twin Falls is one of the most beautiful films I've ever seen. Finely crafted to the extreme, delicately directed, with performances that absolutely broke my heart. The Polish brothers have created something truly remarkable here, and Michele Hicks, in her first film performance, is amazingly stunning and talented. For someone to come come up with this plot is astounding, but for someone to have played it off so convincingly is tremendous.
Twin Falls is definitely a work of art and a "must see" movie for anyone looking for a different yet truely tender love story! Find out more about the movie at http://www.imdb.com/
Research info gathered at: www.imdb.com
Now, here's a poem with twice the flavor:
Blatant Truths. Succulent Infrequencies.
Okay class. Listen up. Here’s a list of inbred
They play Siamese twins who live in a neat little room in a rundown hotel. They have left the circus because Francis, the weaker of the two is about to die. Blake called a hooker who comes over and spends the night, sleeping in the chair (she is about to be kicked out of her apartment) and wakes to find Francis (the one with the fewer organs) sick. She calls one of her clients, a doctor, who comes over and examines the young men then writes a prescription which only delays the enividable.
Throughout the movie I kept holding my breath. Not like being underwater or anything like that but more like kissing the love of your life or holding your own child in your arms for the first time. Like that. I had to remind myself to breathe. I had to remind myself that the two young men were not actually joined together.
Twin Falls is one of the most beautiful films I've ever seen. Finely crafted to the extreme, delicately directed, with performances that absolutely broke my heart. The Polish brothers have created something truly remarkable here, and Michele Hicks, in her first film performance, is amazingly stunning and talented. For someone to come come up with this plot is astounding, but for someone to have played it off so convincingly is tremendous.
Twin Falls is definitely a work of art and a "must see" movie for anyone looking for a different yet truely tender love story! Find out more about the movie at http://www.imdb.com/
Research info gathered at: www.imdb.com
Now, here's a poem with twice the flavor:
Blatant Truths. Succulent Infrequencies.
Okay class. Listen up. Here’s a list of inbred
contractions that absolutely must be included:
-A camera walking into the picture frame.
-A series of thoughts that arrive on a conveyor belt.
-Rusty nails absorbed in steely concentration.
-Banjo lessons held inside a Trojan horse.
-A pocket handkerchief with a wrinkled brow.
-A vase wearing a double-breasted suit.
-Algeria being put into the cargo of a plane.
-Omaha being denied a life insurance policy.
-A lovely sonnet you can fold in half.
-A bullet about to break-dance on a snowflake.
-Glass used in a slipper with no real consequences.
-Someone else’s face staring from your autobiography.
First published online at: http://www.defenestrationmag.net/
visit my ezine: http://www.concelebratory.blogspot.com/
and music blog: http://www.medelymakersant.blogspot.com/
First published online at: http://www.defenestrationmag.net/
visit my ezine: http://www.concelebratory.blogspot.com/
and music blog: http://www.medelymakersant.blogspot.com/
Copyright 2007 by Maurice Oliver. All Rights Reserved.
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